Thursday, 30 August 2012


A slight change in the evening light
To remind us of less settled times
Stirred up by a colder wind;
August scrapes the edge of Autumn.

Tonight we cannot see the stars,
A sail of cloud flaps high and wild
To drive this ark we crouch within
Against the dark.

Frozen, scared, resisting sleep
We huddle like children in the dark
Knowing that the moon wont rise,
But we stare & stare at the cloth grey skies.

Surgeons braced your delicate womb
With a web of stitching that must not break:
Last night the moon was red like blood
But the breeze as soft as an angels breath.

We snuggle up tight against the dark
In hope of new life to brighten the ark
And mock old death.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
August 29th. - 30th. 2012.  

1 comment:

  1. I found myself quite haunted by the imagery here - a beautiful write!


Wrecking the Suburbs.