Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Post Modern Beauty. Revised Version.

Mona Lisa`s face without the smile, yet flawless,
never to be scarred by age or exposure to the sun.
Groomed for the cat walk. The camera`s prying eye.
A Fashion Plate image refracted through amber glass
as the doors swing open wide, spilling the winter air
deep into the pub. She was not seen to enter then, but
for a moment her face flickered in the alcove mirror
like a faded video image.
                    Candle light obscured her finest features
with filigree shadow.
                                Unaware for a moment where dreams
begin or vanish, I set down my glass and left the mirrored
alcove, hoping to find her in the swirling crowd.

                                                                                    Was that her 
there, dancing in the shadow?

                                                     I reached out to touch her shoulder;
but only the air seemed tangible, seemed real. I turned back to my seat

Her face had quit the mirror.            The door slammed shut in the wind.

A shrill laugh echoed in the street outside.


Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
August 5th. - 6th. 2012- June 28th. 2014.        ( From an idea dating back to 1962).

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