Friday, 17 August 2012

Dark Transfigurations (Original Version, Poem re-written December 2015)..

The Feast of the Dormition
A threnody of weeping
Solemn as winter
The church almost empty

Nails break upon hard wood
A taper gutters
A baby cries

I step aside from the golden curtain
Stumble and shiver
Walk to our home

The silence shimmers

You enter my room
An ivory Angel
White naked breasts
Blatant with summer

A baby cries
We hardly perceive her
I caress your beauty
Hands golden with worship

But you turn from my loving
To comfort the child
I watch your curved shoulders
Weighed down with compassion

I stumble to help you
But sleep comes to part us
A cold hard door
Slammed in the darkness

Love opens my senses
To dying haunting us always
Nails break upon hard wood
A threnody of weeping

Silence returns
Solemn as winter
Night shades out the beauty -  the sweet beauty of life
A taper gutters

I step aside from the golden curtain

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 

August 17th.- 19th.- October 12th. 2012.

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