Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Winter Fever Poem - Ceaseless Dreams and Nightmares.(Revised).

Living in a stained glass house,
All the windows smokey
With litter of cobwebs,
The shadows of people walking
Outside in drear February light,
Their minds eyes locked on unique dream worlds,
Strange personalized realities.

Built of painted glass,
No bricks - no steel - no concrete cladding,
My private dream is this weird brittle house,
My coop on hens legs - my star burst chapel -
My hermitage - my happy space - my winter sanctuary -
My Amiens Cathedral in perfect miniature,
My mendicants cave.

This is my fear free zone - my Tent of Dreaming, 
My sphere of hope - of care - of loving,
Where tax demands are burnt and shredded,
Where Rent Collectors, who are really spies,
Their interest rates as tall as steeples,
Are left to soak in the rain outside,
Outside on that offshore Isle of spectres
Once known as holy Albion,

I do not live there anymore;
I have not moved house but have bolted the door.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
February 6th.- 7th. - 8th. 2023.   
 During the passed week I have been suffering from a bout of influenza. The fever wonderfully ratchets up my insecurities. 

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Magic Prisoner. (Completed).

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Magic Prisoner. (Completed).:  Outside her apartment the city awakes. Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone - Walls and columns -                                    Yel...

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

The Magic Prisoner. (Completed).

 Outside her apartment the city awakes.

Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone -
Walls and columns -
                                   Yellow stone -
Floors and doorways carved from stone -
Ice smooth yellow stone.

"And I am so lonely", she cries to the wind
As the traffic coughs awake in the streets below
And the traders set out their stalls.

Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone -
The broken parapet -
                                   Yellow stone -
The tables - beds and chairs - all stone -
Ice smooth yellow stone.

"He has been gone all year", she cries to the wind
That tears at the trees in the streets below
So they shudder like frightened dreamers.

Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone -
Young hearts and hands and lips of stone -
Adamantine stone.

"He has the key, but I know he will not return
To magic this prison back into our home
Of bright coloured walls warm to the touch -
His children have forgotten his name"

Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone -
The lock in the door has turned to stone -
The carpets and cushions are changed to stone -
To ice smooth yellow stone.

"He has the key, but now it rusts on a chain
In a place I cannot reach - In a place I cannot know".

Cold stone cold stone cold yellow stone -
Rust colours of sunset filtered through snow.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
18th. - 19th.  January 2023.
From an idea first sketched in 1962, before I fully understood the magic and power of folk tales.

Friday, 6 January 2023

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Twelfth Night 2023. (Revised and Completed).

No chance of a party
I chuck paint at the board
With a chaotic precision
So like throwing streamers high in the air
Over the heads of dancers.

Tonight is the night of misrule,
But I take my chances alone, not in a 
of revelers 
                   waltzing the world upside
Until the chimes at midnight.
Then they will holla for their mice drawn carriages,
Glass slippers stashed in gold handbags.
No, tonight I am certainly not one of them,
I have other priorities.

Fingers caked in oil paint - time becomes irrelevant
As I scrape and daub and draw,
Burnt Sack sizzling over on the gas stove -
An ageing mister Cinders 
Sat down among the ashes
With no invite to the Ball;
My window lit by a single candles glow.

I wildly mash the colours as I try to articulate
An anger that keeps my hopes alive 
Far from where the ticket holders Tango.
Tonight is the night of misrule.
Will I ever ride a pumpkin to the Ball?

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 5th.- 6th.- 7th.  January. - 8th. - 10th.  February. 2023.

Friday, 30 December 2022

Multi Cloured Leaves: In Memoriam Vivienne Westwood. (Revised).

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling,
Floating down stream, the water calling them
With wistful songs, known to every flower and tree,
To horses, birds and foxes.
Children too are sensitive to these sounds,
That is until we adults shout them deaf.

Perhaps Ophelia, so sensitive to plant lore, 
Heard this wistful music and chased its thread
Almost to the depths of the Atlantic.
Vivienne heard it too, but sang it out raucously
While weaving brilliant colours, more stunning than 
                                                             plum blossom
Seen from a window after mist has faded.

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling:
Truth is beauty, but is not always the loser.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 30th. - 31st. 2022.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Lost from the Lights of Christmas: December 1965. (Revised Ending).

 Her remembered voice seems to haunt these streets,
The stucco terraces and tree lined pavements
Transfigured into white light by the chill
Of frosty winter mornings.
Was it New Year, or the short days after Christmas,
When we last cuddled up beneath old bedding,
Her pregnant belly warm as a summer evening,
The child within fidgeting like a kitten,
Or a sleeping lioness longing for the sun?
Was it then, or just a few weeks earlier?
After sixty years recollections become less vivid.

We felt as though there was no room at the Inn,
Outsiders watching the stars dissolve in snow clouds. 
Her husband permitted these secret trysts, for some reason;
Perhaps he understood the depths of love,
Or was it that he guessed how short the time we had 
And needed this reconciliation.
Meanwhile, in the streets outside, daily life went on,
So like a mindless clock measuring the hours
But not able to calculate the reason.

The following summer she died, but not before shaking
The somnolent wards awake with one last laugh.
She had spied her baby giggling 
At radiant pools of sunlight floating on the walls.
"If I dared be as innocent as my wee bairn,
Then surely death would not be such a problem".

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
28th. - 29th. December 2022.

Broken Jug / The Rose.