Friday, 20 October 2023

Expectations. (Completed Poem).

Every night I hear you knocking, 
Knock Knock Knocking
On my door;
But when I trudge downstairs to greet you
You are not there,
You are never there.

I know your face -
Your voice  - Your laughter,
I love your walk -
Your smile - Your hair.
I sometimes catch a hint of perfume
At the bottom of the stair. 

Your knock is soft, but strong - demanding;
It is not the rain,
The snow - The air.
But when I trudge downstairs to greet you
You are not there,
You are never there.

You are neither friend,
Nor a stranger;
Perhaps we met when out one day.
You turned to smile in the crowded subway,
I have never seen a smile so fair.
But when I looked again to find you
You were not there.
You were not there.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
20th. - 22nd. - 23rd. October 2023.

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