Thursday, 5 October 2023

Alexandra`s Grave.(Revised with New ending).

I do not want to visit my close friend`s grave
I want her here beside me
Dancing down the London streets
Arm in arm
Laughing like a wild child
And singing - singing her heart out
To the traffic roaring by

I do not want to visit her nice suburban grave

No polished headstone
No prim border of flowers
No photograph
Can be a substitute for her smile
Her frequent bouts of whimsy
Her infrequent bouts of truth telling

I tell you straight
However tastefully the craftsman cut her stone
It is just another stone in a row,
She deserves far more kindness than this flattery.
Sweet Alexandra - with her south coast vowels,
And soul of an urchin at play.

I do not want to stand a long hour at her grave
Watching the rain fall as my memories become unbearable
In the silence she loved to hate,
I simply want her back - alive and kicking.
Her grave - a plot that is empty --
Enriched with hollyhocks, buttercups and celandine.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
5th.- 6th. - 11th. October -11th. December 2023.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.