Saturday, 12 February 2022

Saturday afternoon Zen, Listening to Pulcinella. (Revised).

Unwilling to trash the mood made by gentle music
Now playing on my radio
I do not pick up the telephone when it rings.
Living alone in lockdown I find I have new choices,
I do not have to answer every question on the dot,
I have reached a point of equilibrium,
The still centre of a lifetime, perhaps a new way of being.

I might be on a mountain top looking at the sunset,
The wild ox I hunted, caught and deftly saddled
Reclining at my bare feet, but of course I am not.
Everything I need for happiness is hidden deep within me.
Even Stravinsky`s music seems a part of who I am,
Or just now I thought so, before I switched to OFF.
At sundown I cherish silence, but I`ve never quite known why.

After a while I turn the radio back on.
An early Beatles classic makes the day seem real once more.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
February 12th. 2022.

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