Thursday, 17 February 2022

Feeling Nostalgic for the Twentieth Century. (New longer Version)

Feeling Nostalgic for the Twentieth Century.

I am feeling nostalgic for the other century I`ve lived in,
The colourful clothes,
The lack of mobile phones.
I am feeling nostalgic for rent of just a few shillings,
For ten bob notes,
For threepenny bits weighing down my jeans,
For cash in hand,
Not virtual pounds the Bank devours each night,
Filching my wealth when I am safely sleeping.
I am feeling nostalgic for hitch hiking for laughs,
For getting a lift from Apex Corner to Leeds
Just because I fancy a trip along the A One.
The last time I stopped a car was in Baden Baden,
But that was because the bus broke down that day.

I am feeling nostalgic
For making love at first sight,
Not waiting - waiting - waiting until the time seems right
Close to the hundred and thirty third dinner date.
I am feeling nostalgic for the freedoms I once had,
The freedom to roam across international borders
Without buying a visa or having my passport stamped.
I am feeling nostalgic for setting up home with a partner
Who is not a native of the country I happen to live in. 
I want back those days before carnivore Banks and Brexit
Hemmed in my well earned time and hard won spaces
For illicit commercial reasons.
I am feeling the need for taking some random chances,
Before there are no choices left to make.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
17th. - 18th. - 21st.- 24th. February 2022.  

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