Thursday, 13 January 2022

Stardust Kisses.

The kisses that I saved up just for you
Posses the powers to turn back every clock,
Make each new day the first day that we met,
Then hold back winter for a thousand years.

Your kisses also have these special powers,
They taste of springtime, of cups of cherry wine,
Of Gypsy blessings spoken in a trance
While lace is draped across the wedding bed.

When I am with you January seems to melt,
A pale grey ghost leaving by the back door,
An early April sun has pierced the blinds.
When I am with you daffodils never wither.

The kisses that we saved up for each other
Are stardust kisses, they fill our lives with light,
Change us to the children we once were
Chasing after wild dreams in the park.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
14th. January 2022.

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