Friday, 30 April 2021

Friday Night Blessings.

The flowers in my garden are watered by beer.
Cans and bottles thrown over the garden wall
By revellers on Friday nights.
They shout and fight, but rarely for more than
                                                              an hour.

I thank you good neighbours for the blessings
You have bestowed.
Forget-Me-Nots flourish where the tipple has fallen
In spits and splashes, often in the early light,
And my roses are not offended by Special Brew,
Although the cans attract both snails and slugs.

Unexpected pleasures are often the most loved,
And your noisy addictions have brought a scenario
                                                                   of beauty
I could not have planned myself.
Wild flowers root deep where your litter has fallen,
And soon the bees and butterflies appear,
But I still do not appreciate clearing your mess.

Your beer is welcome, but as to your cans and bottles,
Please take them home before the moon has set.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
April 30th. 2021.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.