Tuesday, 27 April 2021

A Flower Meditation.(Revised).

The silence of this flower
Is its true beauty.
Just being in her presence
Is a perfect meditation.
I look and look and look
At the fragile, sun filled cup.
Hard graft did not create this,
Just a simple natural process.
No Chinese porcelain vase
Could ever be so flawless.
In her presence thoughts grow quiet,
Cease to be a wild distraction.
This tulip, filled with sunlight.
So calm and still, yet in transition.
I sit and look and listen,
At one with all I see.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
April 27th. 2021.
Written on my birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Almost a panentheistic celebration - I like the simplicity!


Wrecking the Suburbs.