Friday, 30 April 2021

Friday Night Blessings.

The flowers in my garden are watered by beer.
Cans and bottles thrown over the garden wall
By revellers on Friday nights.
They shout and fight, but rarely for more than
                                                              an hour.

I thank you good neighbours for the blessings
You have bestowed.
Forget-Me-Nots flourish where the tipple has fallen
In spits and splashes, often in the early light,
And my roses are not offended by Special Brew,
Although the cans attract both snails and slugs.

Unexpected pleasures are often the most loved,
And your noisy addictions have brought a scenario
                                                                   of beauty
I could not have planned myself.
Wild flowers root deep where your litter has fallen,
And soon the bees and butterflies appear,
But I still do not appreciate clearing your mess.

Your beer is welcome, but as to your cans and bottles,
Please take them home before the moon has set.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
April 30th. 2021.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

A Flower Meditation.(Revised).

The silence of this flower
Is its true beauty.
Just being in her presence
Is a perfect meditation.
I look and look and look
At the fragile, sun filled cup.
Hard graft did not create this,
Just a simple natural process.
No Chinese porcelain vase
Could ever be so flawless.
In her presence thoughts grow quiet,
Cease to be a wild distraction.
This tulip, filled with sunlight.
So calm and still, yet in transition.
I sit and look and listen,
At one with all I see.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
April 27th. 2021.
Written on my birthday.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

The Last Journey.

 Like a ghost walking
He stepped carefully
Into the car that would speed him home
As though it were a boat rocking
Against the storm lashed quay.
For a moment he mistook the chauffeur
For the Ferryman
And turned away startled, but not afraid.

He looked back at the crowd of smiling nurses
Gathered on the steps to wish him well
And gave a nervous wave.
His quirky smile was delicately nuanced
To hide his grief at parting
From so many friendships made in three short weeks.
His life had been a continuum of partings,
But this time the hurt was visceral.

Somehow he knew this was the final journey,
That his heart was only strong enough for this
And would soon give way
And simply cease to beat.
Better to die at home in his old warm bed
Than cut off from his wife and family.
But the icy wind this wintry April morning
Made him cling to dreams he knew were ephemeral.

He dreamed of a different journey, in a fine tall ship,
To the archipelago where he was born.
There he could rest and watch the dolphins leap
The quiet waves lifting slow towards the shore.
And there Charon`s barge, crowded with lonely strangers,
Was just another small boat out to sea.

He nodded to the chauffeur awkwardly,
And without more ado was driven away.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
April 17th. - 18th. - 20th. 2021.

Monday, 5 April 2021

Celandines at Easter. (Completed).

 A carpet of Celandines.
Yellow snow sprinkling the green.
Even I am made happy by this.

After the drabness of winter
A sudden rush of colour.
My eyes hurt in the sun.

Celandines are the tear drops of Angels
Spilled on the ground on Good Friday.

This morning a ghost from last summer,
The frail dried husk of a flower,
Was blown into my porch.

I snatched it up from the concrete,
This emblem of hopes and anxieties
Recollected, but no longer real.

I spent much of last year in the garden,
Astonished by the glamour of blossoms,
Wild roses as large as my hand.

Yet these delicate miniature Celandines,
No bigger than April snow flakes,
Dazzle my eyes this morning.

Spring flowers have the frailness of children,
We love them but can easily hurt them
In a moment of thoughtlessness.

But the Hydrangea, from which this husk fell,
Is a brute of a midsummer plant
That spreads over the path to my door.

Every June it spreads out of control,
But the blooms are just wonderful.

Celandines are small and ephemeral.
Mid April they melt in the sun.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
March 28th. - 29th. - April 5th. - 12th. - 14th. 2021.

Order and Destruction.