Friday, 12 March 2021

A Gift of Wings.

Dear Miss Price, 
Do not reject this surprise gift of wings,
They once belonged to a genuine
                            Guardian Angel
Who now, at 65, has packed her bags &
                   taken out her pension
& moved house to somewhere due south
                                            west of Eden.
She no longer needs them to speed her
                                            on her way,
From vistas beyond Andromeda to
                                      Clapton Common,
From Aix-en-Provence to Hendon Central,
From Prague to Hackney Wick;
There have often been a number of unexpected
For a hard working Guardian Angel to pay
                                                          a visit.
But now she has earned her bus pass she would like
                                               to shed her pinions
& gift them to you on your nineteenth birthday
So you can smash your cage & ride the restless winds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 12th. 2021.

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