Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Words are worth a whole world more than money. (Revised)

This book cost me only 80 pence.
It cost Li Po a whole wild life to
Cheap wine staining every folded
The glimmer of moonlight also hinted
It seems the rarest art, the finest poems
Are seldom worth the price of ink and
Unless a tycoon buys the manuscripts
And locks them deep inside a concrete
The fact the poet died while reaching for
                                      the moon,
Or heaving up inside a New York Bar,
Seems to magnify the monetary value
Of words rich in love - in hope - in
It is the joy of ownership that makes the
                                   tycoon tick,
Not the beauty of the poems, the fine calligraphy,
         the deft strokes of the brush.

Li Po drowned a thousand years before I bought 
                                       this book.
Drunk - he tried to hug the moon reflected in the

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
October 20th. - 21st. 2020.

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