Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Our Apple Tree has been Replaced by Concrete.. (Renewal NW2).

They are building tower blocks
where we used to plant
vegetables for the family table.
Dragonflies vacate the tiny stream.

I have in mind to learn the Frisian language.
Family roots dig deeper than we realise,
they tap into the source of hidden memory
beneath the skin of who we think we are.

Concrete tower blocks, caves in space
where modern Hunter - Gatherers hunker down
after forays into asphalt jungles,
are merely metaphors for transience.

The bones of villages, of towns and cities,
rot beneath green fields in many places.
Farmers gathering rice - wheat - or barley,
chat in dialects of ancient lineage.

I have in mind to learn the Frisian language,
to staunch the wound between my past - my present. -
Today I watch developers trash the marshes
where we grew our spuds - our beans - our roses.

When a child I was not taught the names of flowers,
I told myself the dragonflies are birds.
If I can learn the words my forbears spoke
I may then touch the truth of who I am.

Our apple tree has been replaced by concrete.
Dragonflies vacate the tiny stream.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
18th. - 27th. - 28th. October 2020.  

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Late October Wistfulness.

The paving stones are ochre and red.
The swaying trees are dripping tears
Through a floating skein of mist
That swabs my eyes with webs and phantoms.

In my mind I am still cocooned in summer
Awaiting the rustle of new spread wings
To lift me out of this season of torpor
Into a forest of tropical colour.

Tonight the time turns backwards, not forwards;
The shadows lengthen at 5 o`clock,
They are sick with dreams, a smokescreen of fables
That blot out reason with terrors and rumours.

Trees shed their leaves because daylight is fading,
They are not concerned with the bonfires we light.
Crumbs that I threw on the footpath this morning
Have all been eaten by the passing birds.

I lost my way when childhood departed,
The dead leaves falling thick and fast.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
24th. October 2020. - February 23rd 2022.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Words are worth a whole world more than money. (Revised)

This book cost me only 80 pence.
It cost Li Po a whole wild life to
Cheap wine staining every folded
The glimmer of moonlight also hinted
It seems the rarest art, the finest poems
Are seldom worth the price of ink and
Unless a tycoon buys the manuscripts
And locks them deep inside a concrete
The fact the poet died while reaching for
                                      the moon,
Or heaving up inside a New York Bar,
Seems to magnify the monetary value
Of words rich in love - in hope - in
It is the joy of ownership that makes the
                                   tycoon tick,
Not the beauty of the poems, the fine calligraphy,
         the deft strokes of the brush.

Li Po drowned a thousand years before I bought 
                                       this book.
Drunk - he tried to hug the moon reflected in the

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
October 20th. - 21st. 2020.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Renewal NW2.

They are building tower blocks
where we used to plant
vegetables for the family table. -
Dragonflies vacate the tiny stream.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 18th. 2020. 

Big is not beautiful. The smallest things are the most precious.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Fragile Portrait.

 My life pictured in a stained glass window
All the pieces in the wrong places
But still making sense.

I live a thousand lives in just one day -
Yesterday - tomorrow - all at once
In just one place - in one small drop of time -

A raindrop made up of a thousand rainbows -
A raindrop about to hit a pond
And merge into the slow flow of the water -

The pond reflects my face until a leaf falls -
My face shattered into a thousand fragments
Rippled on the dazzle of the surface.

Ripples of stained glass - bright pieces of a puzzle
Scattered out of sequence - but somehow making sense.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 8th. 2020.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Two Poems. (1) Missing Ivy.(2) Pathetique Sonata.(Revised).

          Missing Ivy.

Walking alone in the mountains
I think of you - so far away
Watching the cars go by.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 6th. 2020.


Pathetique Sonata.

Like Chinese poetry
This music confines sorrow
To a few black lines

Lines drawn on fine paper
By a wavering hand 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 8th. 2020.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Friday, 2 October 2020

Soft October Rain.

 The rain dances on my skin.

Lute strings imitate drum riffs
Tapped out on pavement and Birch trees.
Lute strings dissolving in tears
When they touch the earth.

The world is an intimate orchestra
To which we all belong,
To which we all add momentary key

Lute strings - cool and delicate - dance
                                 against my skin,
Muted strings tap tapping out soft rhythms
Before the sun strikes through
                         the timpani of clouds.

There is a gentle solace in the fall of rain,
In the soft coolness of moisture on skin.
When the sun strikes through
                        harmony breaks apart.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 2nd. - 3rd. 2020.

Order and Destruction.