Thursday, 27 August 2020

(1) Washed Out by Rain. (A Lament at the Autumnal Equinox) (2) September.


   Washed Out by Rain.

The world is silver grey.
Wall paper world.
The rain falling steadily,
Washing out the sunlight
Creating unreality.
The world is silver grey.

I look out at the world,
The wallpaper flatness,
The silver grey flatness
Of the world outside my window,
The world outside my house,
My home,
My hermit cell.
I look upon an empty street
But do not miss the people.

I look out at the greyness,
The silver screen vacuity
Of a world without horizons,
A world without a soul.
A world emptied of bright colour,
The laughter of school children. -
The rains dissolve clear vision,
Clarity fading into strangeness.

I look out through the window
At a rain dashed empty street scene
Shrunk to stencilled flatness
Like a pattern on the wall.
September has come early,
We enter the season of sad dreams.

I have learned to live alone,
To trust in my own reality,
To ignore the drab grey scene
Outside my front room window. -
Wallpaper world
Stencilled on my retina,
I walk away from you.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
August 26th. - September 22nd. 2020.


Tomorrow starts September;
   It is not autumn yet, but
I can smell the backyard fires.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 31st. 2020. 

1 comment:

  1. So much to identify with Washed Out by Rain. Nice write!


Wrecking the Suburbs.