Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Lock down Lyrics.

No more are people flesh and blood,
Skin and bone,
They are a shout through the letter box,
A whisper down the telephone.

A friend is a face on the lap top screen.

My love is a phantom in my bed when
                                                  I dream.

Masked strangers pass my window by
But seldom look me in the eye,
They concentrate long empty stares
At the gutter or the sky,
And so like bandits in a film
They silently pass by;

A silent film I witnessed, in the flea pit, long
My lover nestled in my arms as we snogged
                                                in the back row.

But now, because of covid,
We are those spectres on the screen
Projected through a camera lens,
The cameraman unseen.

No more are people flesh and blood,
Skin and bone,
Afraid of life we skulk indoors,
And haunt the telephone.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 5th. 2020.

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