Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Unexpected Gift. (New Poem).

Until then we had lodged in small bedsits,
Loners who steered clear of strangers.
We hated fairgrounds and parties;
Dance halls and pubs.
We preferred to stay in to watch game shows,
Holed up and alone at weekends,
Reality ditched at the back door.

But to me you are an open book,
(As I hope I am open with you).
Two people - two books - one story;
One script only we can decipher. -
When we met, just by chance, in the stairwell,
We stood and just looked at each other,
Looked for an hour without speaking,
In a semi hypnotic trance. -
In that silence I learned your whole story,
And it seems that you also learned mine.

"I too need some truth", you whispered,
And I knew, without asking your meaning,
That from then we could not live apart.

Trevor John Karsarvin Potter.
7th. - 10th. March 2020.
22nd. March 2021.

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