Saturday, 7 March 2020

Japanese Weeping Plum Trees. (Revised).

Weeping plum trees;
Rain of blossom and fragrant wood
Sweeping out the grit of winter.

We walk beneath the swaying trees;
Small birds feeding in the branches
Scatter blossom on our heads.

We need not plan an Easter wedding;
The falling blossom, the budding leaves
Are all the blessings that we need.

Last time we saw Kameido Tenjin
The fruit was soft and ready to eat.

Bitter sweet these fragrant trees,
Burdened with the weight of flowers
That bloom and fall within one week.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
7th. - 8th. March 2020.
Kameido Tenjin Shrine in Tokyo has a wonderful garden, the high arched bridge is famous.  My mother was in love with Japanese culture, and taught me much about costumes, flower arranging, the wonderful wood block prints. When my school friends only knew about jungle warfare I was learning about Zen Buddhism, Shinto and the Spring festivals. My mother kept her kimono through the war years. I now think I had the better education.

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