Friday, 1 March 2019

Premature Spring. (Revised).

December daffodils?
I wish they would go back to sleep,
We can wait a little longer for the spring.

Just look,
My tulips are much more sensible,
Hiding their cups deep beneath the leaf mould
Ignoring the daffodils mad audacity,
Their adolescent indifference to common sense. -
The tulips are wise,
They have seen the rise and fall of many fortunes.
Thousands of golden sovereigns won, then lost,
In the search for one black flower.
My tulips certainly know their pedigrees,
They askew the wild frivolity of the daffs.

December daffodils?
I wish they would go back to slumber land,
Tuck themselves in
Under their moist black blankets,
Take a nap           for another month or two.
If the snow storms come
They will crumple down in heaps,
Transformed to mush upon the frozen ground.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
December 23rd. 2015. - February 19th. - 23rd. 2019. - March 1st. - 3rd. 2019.

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