Friday, 30 November 2018

Two Poems (1) A Country Wedding. (2) The Guest. (1st. Version).


When you were born
                          An aviary
Of exotic
                Tropical singing
Flew into your heart
                & set it beating
To the radiant songs of hot summer nights
Sung beneath a garden of stars

A garden of multi faceted blossoms
Reflected in your violet eyes
As we danced
               In the glow
               Of midsummer fires
To the music that only we could hear

Our bare feet kicking through smouldering embers
That for once seemed as cool as autumnal showers

But tonight
                    As I sit alone in the kitchen
Drinking green tea
                    Sharp and bitter
To keep myself awake to write -
I listen to the strange December stillness
Clinging like frost to the window panes
That reveal a landscape denuded of birds -
And I wonder if my memories are simply
                    a story
Imagined to keep the cold at bay
As I sit alone and look back through the
Waiting for someone who may never call

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
November 28th. 2018.


Curled up in my arms
like a cat
You refused to be moved
                  from my bed
Until you were ready for
breakfast -
A slow walk in the park.

The shoes you left under the sofa
Will you collect them sometime next Fall?

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 30th. 2018.

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