Sunday, 4 November 2018

(1) Hiroshima Remembered. (2) September 30th. 2018. (3) Phone Call.

Hiroshima Remembered.

Houses of wood and paper,
How beautiful.
How fleeting.


September 30th. 2018.

Not your voice,
Not your heartbeat,
Just your breathe upon my face.


The patio rose
I sent you last summer,
Is it still blooming?


Another autumn,
The sheets are cold,
Faded lipstick on my pillow.


I sat meditating.
When you sang in the kitchen
I laughed like a child.

    Phone Call.

You call me.
I pick up the receiver.
You are too shy to speak.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 30th. - November 4th. 2018.

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