Sunday, 28 October 2018

(1) These We Cannot Know. (2) Rose hips.

My sperm frozen - graded and stored -
Perhaps - in a hundred years or more -
I shall father IVF children

A new family that may from time to time
Imagine my voice explaining to them
A history almost completely forgotten

A history sketched in dusty folders
Intelligible only to specialist scholars
Who can decipher a lost dialect

A parochial language - long out of fashion
Because all that we love has faded to dust
Like carnations pressed in a wedding album

A plush book packed with faded pictures
Even the widow can no longer decipher
Or bring back to life in her imagination.

We are all the children of hope filled dreams
That vanish like frost in the morning light.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 27th. - 28th. 2018.


              Rose hips.

After the first frost
The rose hips are

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 29th.2018.

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