Thursday, 22 February 2018

Media Savvy Eve. (Revised).

The girl in this photo is ecstatic.
One kiss, there will be a child,
Two kisses, maybe not.
But whatever happens next
Her life is marked forever,
She has broken all her rules
Because the serpent wooed her.
She has burnt her books and boats.

She has snatched the serpent`s gift
To find that it defeats her,
Breaks her will to shards
Reflecting different options,
Spins her mind to rubble.
Joy and pain revealed as twins,
Entirely indistinguishable
In this restless greed for love,
For self annihilation.
The serpent slithers deep into the earth.

The need to keep a record meant her mobile
Was kept on hand to snap each awkward detail,
Text her friends with updates and reviews,
Reveal some edgy pics.
Her first night out of Eden.
God absent from the garden.
Adam in his cups.
Unscheduled interactions morphed into epic news.

This lass was not the first girl on the block,
Lillith beat her to it by an epoch,
But had to scarper when her children proved
Too much unlike old Adam;
In fact it seems the serpent left his mark,
And then returned to sneak a second bite.
In spite of her bravado
Eve simply lost her nerve
And stayed true to her partner.

The apple stung her lips like Bombay Mix,
So sweet she had to share some with old Adam,
Who loved the taste, but guessed that Eve was scared,
That snake had almost nested in her heart.
For this her partner named the reptile evil,
The trickster that had cheapened Paradise,
And dragged it to his level. Adam packed the bags,
Eve ditched the phone and gathered up their kids.
They, Hand in Hand with wandering steps and slow
Now seek a simpler Eden.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 31st. - February 14th. - 23rd.  - 24th. 2018.
The penultimate line printed in italics is from Paradise Lost by Milton. Lilith had children, and Eve, being naturally gregarious, was secretly in touch with them, although Adam was not. Adam and Eve were still innocents when they were banished from Eden, but they had gained self knowledge by eating the forbidden fruit, and thereby lost their ignorance. Innocence and ignorance are two very different things.

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