Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Delayed Spring.

A week of snow prophesied.

You say you want to move in with me?
Also, that cotton ring was really gold.

Love can be difficult,
People are not so straight forward, Ivy.
A change of season every minute.

Sirius scratching a chill clear sky
Confirms the weatherman,
His crystal ball seems accurate.

Yes, you had better move in quickly,
Your home is just too far from here,
Parked under a grove of icicles,
The makeshift roof leaking.

Your presence on the sofa in the front room,
Would bring the glitz of Easter
So much closer,
And no, I do not mind if you play Mother,

That is if I am not too dull and awkward,
Too long in the tooth and grouchy
To accommodate the changes,

The wind too often from the east.

Your presence on the sofa in the front room
Would make my house feel cosy,
Not just a draughty storeroom.

Yes, you had better move in quickly,
Burn your caravan, sell your dogs and chickens.
Even if the snow should last a year
Your smile would melt the frost that wrecks my garden.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
February 26th. - 27th. 2018.

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