Sunday, 26 November 2017

Three Poems. (1) Bad Music. (2) Bond Street. (3) Pygmalion.


           Bad Music.

For you, I am bad music.
I am the song you don`t want to sing
Any more.
I am the love lyric you need to forget,
Throw over,
Turn off at the socket;
The ear worm that drives you crazy,
Echoing through you,
Jamming all systems.
I am the repeat switch on your old player,
The switch you can never reset.

I am the number crossed out in your phone book;
The recorded message lamely unanswered;
The secret whisper into your pillow
As the nights draw in
And you bury your head deep in the blanket.
I am the cold wind shaking your window
As you set the alarm and put out the light.

I am your memory of that moment last summer
When a stranger smiled, and you smiled back.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 26th. - 27th. 2017.


           Bond Street.

This little book of poems?
Great art in my pocket,
Rembrandt compressed into words.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 17th. 2017.



I live alone
With my dream of you

A pale figurine
I dare not touch

In case I lose my grip
Then stumble

Cutting my fingers
On the scattered shards

I live alone
With my dream of you

Afraid to face the consequences
Of seeing what I dare not see

Of knowing what I dare not know

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 27th. 2017.

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