Monday, 9 January 2017

Chinese Box.(Two Poems).

      Chinese Box. No.1.

No sun. No moon.
A temple carved from soft wood.
Two white herons on the water.
Black sky. Black stream.


      Chinese Box No.2.

Like an old monk praying
The branches of this cherry tree,
So delicately crafted by knife
                               and chisel,
Bend over the black expanse
                                of the lake
In an awkward gesture of adoration.

Meanwhile a pas de deux of
                               white herons
Poised mid hunt on the polished
Seems to imply that even here,
In this monochrome miniature
Of a Chinese garden,
That the raw edge of life still stabs
                                   and butchers
                        Beneath the artifice
                            of the ebony lake.

The cherry tree is gnarled and ancient
 But will never lose a single blossom.

The island temple is shaped like a lantern
But has never shone a ray of light.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 9th. - 10th. - October 8th. 2017.
April 18th. 2018.

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