Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Beneath the Ice. (Revised Version).

A small hole in a frozen mirror.
The moon shining through still water.
Two golden carp chasing a circle,
Piscine adolescents, enthralled with each other,
Afraid to turn on a pivot and meet.

According to ancient Buddhist literature,
Children seek out parents before conception
Whilst they wait in the shadows, at rest between lives.

The Ancients took such knowledge for granted,
Science to them was just pulleys and wheels
And hammers to break the ice in mid winter.

Love, on the other hand, is akin to religion,
An instinct more powerful than logical thinking,
A moment of empathy that can create a new world.

Meantime I stand alone in this midnight garden
Picturing, for some reason, a sacred lotus
Rising to the surface of an Indian lake, then
Too quickly falling away.

The pond in this garden is shining like metal.
No lotus could grace the cold misty surface.
Last night a bird fell like a stone,
Feathers locked in shards of ice.

A small dark hole in a frozen mirror.
Impassive moon glinting through still water.
Two golden carp chasing a circle
Because only they exist in their world..

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 16th. - 17th. - 18th. 2017.
October 10th. - 18th. 2017.
April 17th. 2018.

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