Tuesday, 18 October 2016

The Play. (New Version).

One moment a Queen,
then a prancing pony.
A vigilant hound
unleashed by a prince
forcing a deer from the bosky wood.
And then Revenge,
trailing Rapine and Murder
on a leash the colour of arterial blood.
Finally Lavinia
hobbling ghost like through the forest
unable to tell her horrible story,
her tongue tied loosely to her hip,
her fingers swivelling around her neck.

The actors in this play have peeled back the skin
that grows like a virus over our eyes
poisoning our views of reality.

The actors in this play have let in the light
with a quick fix dash of sulphuric acid
thrown with precision into our faces.

But when we all bundle into the pub,
stars and audience in one great huddle
fighting our way up to the bar,
the actors in this play seem a tad more ordinary
than the tattooed miss pulling heritage pints,
and the man with the metal guitar.

Perhaps we all need to be strafed by the spotlight,
to shatter the spell that keeps us in order
and hides us from ourselves.

So ring out the bells for the next performance,
these dark age princesses with wolfhounds and gauntlets
are more real than our everyday lives.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
30th. July - 17th. October 2016.
14th. July 2017.

Titus Andronicus at the Rose Playhouse, 2016.

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