Monday, 16 May 2016

(1) Injured Swans. (2) A Love Not Spoken.


          Injured Swans.

Are you transforming yourself
Into a swan?
Your shopping bags and the white
Of your winter coat
Like wings?
You scampered across the empty street
Ahead of me,
Dropping your head so low
To avoid my gaze.

I was afraid
That you would trip and fall
On the sharp uneven paving stones
As you ran headlong
Without looking,
Hands grasping those long handled bags
In case they took off on the cold wind
Without you.

Your shyness so cruel it overcame
All common sense,
Forced you to turn your eyes away
From my quick glance
The instant that I came in view.

I feared you might be struck by cars,
By flying glass,
By sticks and stones,
The intricate ballet of cups and plates,
Of paper straws and plastic spoons
That spiralled through the air above you.

Next time you wish to imitate
Swans rising from a troubled lake,
Or herons leaning into flight,
Chuck out your fear,
                              Take hold my hand,
Then we might leap the moon together
Or hug the stars.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 16th. 2016.



    A love Not Spoken.

She phones me with her
   But never says a word.

I know what she is thinking
Although no
                 words are spoken.

Her pale smile in a dark
      Tells a book of stories,

           All our yesterdays
In one     small      glance.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 11th. 2016.

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Order and Destruction.