Sunday, 17 January 2016

(1) Vision on a Snowbound Sunday.(New Completed Version). (2) Sunny January Morning. (3) Early Morning Tea.


A Vision on a Snow Bound Sunday. (New Completed Version).

Jesus walked alone in the wilderness.
The foxes clapped their paws and sang.
The trees blossomed in midwinter.
A dead woman gave birth and cried.

Jesus walked hand in hand with Buddha.
The midday sun merged with the moon.
The foxes danced with flocks of geese.
A dead woman gave birth and laughed.

The two wise men sat down to pray;
Their shadows merged into one lotus
That floated gently like a mirage
Shimmering light upon the desert.

 Centurions arrived dragging crosses.
They threw their spears but missed the mark.
The two wise men danced and sang.
The crosses became a grove of willows.

The lion lay down with the lamb.
Two dead children awoke and played.
Two dead mothers danced together,
Their fingertips ablaze with roses.

Deep in the desert the Buddha and Jesus
Calmed the hearts of the fierce Centurions,
Sent them to live among poor shepherds,
Taught them that love is an obligation.

Praying together among the sand dunes,
Jesus and Buddha laughed and sang.
"In laughter I glimpse kensho", said Buddha.
"To dance is to enter Heaven", said Jesus.

Jesus walked hand in hand with Buddha.
The desert blossomed in the shade of their words.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 17th. - 18th. 2016.  - May 20th. 2021.


Sunny January Morning.

Bare trees against a blue sky.
Black cracks across an icy pond.
If I skim a flat stone
Will the sky break and fall?

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 15th. 2016.


 Early Morning Tea.

    Milk in green tea? How strange.
But it looks so beautiful in my red cup;
     Dawn mist on an autumn lake.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
January 5th. 2016.

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