Thursday, 19 November 2015

(1) Young Lovers.(2) Park Street 1 a m. (3) Breaking Through.


 The Young Lovers.

The beautiful people in this photograph
Would now be more than one hundred years old;
Shadows printed on paper
Looking at me, seeing nothing.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 19th. 2015.

     Park Street 1 a m.

Face in the dark,
Chalk white on black
Slightly smudged.

We move closer;
A porcelain mask
Defined by moonlight
Slowly emerges.

Can this be
The woman I met
This morning
In the park?

You walk on by,
A stately presence
In no way artificial.

I call out your name.
You smile.
The mask shatters.
White shards streaked with black.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 16th. 2015.


     Breaking Through.

Between bare trees
The lights of houses;
A chessboard of lanterns
On a cold, raw night.


I knock, then enter your room;
Gone again the cold nights,
Gone again the sorrow.


Face turned away;
A single tear
Under her eyelash.


Her hand in her sleeve,
A single leaf
Spared the rough wind.


Patterns of moonlight
Across her face;
Torn, the silken drapes.


You came to me in the hot night
Dressed in a kaftan of patterned lace,
A glass of water in your hand.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 11th. - 14th. 2015.
July 4th. - November 12th. 2015,

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