Wednesday, 25 November 2015

(1) Red Hawk. (2) The Casual Desecration of Quietness. (3). November 26th. 2015. (Revised)


       Red Hawk.

Red Hawk circling overhead
Watching the stillness move:
Winter can be beautiful.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 23rd. 2015.


The Casual Desecration of Quietness.

This field is just too beautiful to be here;
Concrete houses must be built right now
To box newcomers in,
Row on endless row,

So bring on the diesel diggers,
Uproot the grass, the trees, the meadow flowers;
Smash the flagstones,
The path on which we took our tranquil walk

Last Sunday morning early
To watch the lapwings wheel
Above our heads
In ever decreasing circles.

This scene is forfeit now, a memoir to be confided
To a closed book; a plain truth left unsaid.

Reality is a manmade concept,
The lapwings simply are.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 19th. - 20th. - 25th. 2015. 


  November 26th. 2015. (Revised)


Outside my bedroom window
The streets are bright as summer;
The trees wear withered shrouds.


You gently place your hand
upon my shoulder.
Grey moon sheaved in mist.
Still the bare trees.


My room a magic box of quietness.
Your soft breath strokes my cheek.
The telephone rings in a far off land.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 26th. 2015.

The Red Hawk is dedicated to Malcolm Evison.

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