Saturday, 31 October 2015

Halloween London 1969 - 2015. (New Vesion).

Sitting in the window seat
Reading Anne Sexton
London far below me

Pre online hegemony
Frost bright and bustling
Whole neighbourhoods one family

Kids itching to throw bangers
Dogs barking in a doorway
Trick or Treat unheard of.

This culture now dismantled,
Outmaneuvered by the wealthy
Fabricating Paradiso.

This town where folk once chattered
On buses,                   On the subway,
          (Not blindly into smart phones,
           Their toddler sized computers,
           But blithely face to face),
Now pimped in paint for tourists,
          (Who never speak to strangers),
Now buried deep as Pompeii

Or dwarfed by plate glass canyons,
The pomp of sky blue citadels
Devised to harvest money.
Trick or Treat writ large.

I sit here in the window seat
And dream of my lost city
That housed both rich and poor.
A town where folk said "pardon me"
When hustling through the markets
Pre keep in touch technology,

Not "OUT MY WAY"            Not "Sorry"

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 31st. - November 1st. 2015.

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