Tuesday, 30 December 2014

(1).Christmas Eve - Fermanagh. First Version. (2). O Zone.


Christmas Eve - Fermanagh. (First Version).

There are no bright colours here -
The sky - pale as a shroud
Wet from weeping -
The sun - a dim white eye
Half closed among vast clouds.

The bone thin winter trees
Reach up like gnarled hands
Pleading -
Old saints at prayer
With few hopes of salvation. -
A blank horizon pressing down
Onto the ancient landscape -
Unremittingly -
Mocks this fragile sadness -
The pale sun fading
As a thin moon rises.

Cruel escarpments -
Mist sodden mountain walls
Melt like unquiet ghosts. -
Christmas Eve - Fermanagh -
The stillness gathers all unto itself
As evening settles. -
Clouds spread wide like canvas sails
That once drove famine ships.

Awaiting their congregations
The grey stone village churches
Stand like border forts -
The symbols of partition. -
The shadows of ancient grief -
Of martyrdoms and oppression -
Deeply stain their walls.

I was not born here -
But I might as well have been. -
I am at home in a frontier landscape
Where nothing is ever certain.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 24th. - 25th. - 30th. - 31st. 2014.
Last four lines, January 2nd. 2015.
Belcoo and Enniskillen. For Eithne. 



                O Zone.

The river of love bore you
To an early death

May La tour Eiffel never cease
Nor your gold winged Christ hit the ground

Happy New Year
Dear Angel
Guillaume Apollinaire

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 24th. - December 31st. 2014.

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