Monday, 8 December 2014

(1) December 6th. (2) Pavane. (3) The Shortest Day.


         December 6th.

Winter comes in without warning.

Children larking on new ice.

The sun laughing between cold clouds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 8th. 2014.



Dancing a stately pavane
We rarely touch,
But the heat of your nearby body
Warns me
That civilisation is only skin deep,
Much like that twisted scratch of a smile
That sometimes marks your face
For a moment or two,
Giving hope to the stranger
But frightening away the wary.

Your uncle was very certain that you loved me,
But I am not so sure,
Preferring to keep at a safe distance
As we parade down the centre of the hall
To the strict tempo
Of the courtly music.

Dancing a stately pavane
We rarely touch,
But the paradoxical shifts in your persona
Remain on view
Despite the orderly progress of the music
And the whiteness of the masks.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 8th. 2014.



       The Shortest Day.

Winter -
The stone I toss into the pond
Creates no ripples

Even time is frozen

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 11th. 2014.

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