Thursday, 3 April 2014

Memory. (Revised).

When I opened the window this morning
I thought that I briefly saw you
Admiring the miniature roses.
But then, with a shock, I realized
That it is now more than twenty years
Since you last stood here in my garden,
Your hat tilted over grey eyes,
Your arm hooked loosely in mine.

Such memories are not pale ghosts,
They remind me of transfers printed
On derelict buildings
To remind us of what we have lost.
Nor are they sepia photographs
Stored in dusty albums
That are normally shut and locked.
But whenever I think of you
Memories lose their sepia strangeness
And become suffused with colour,
They are poignant, yet feisty with light.

When I opened the window this morning
I thought that I briefly saw you
Caught in a halo of sunlight.
You stood where you always had stood
When the roses were fully in bloom,
But I had no time to catch your attention,
No time to call out your name.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
April 1st. - 3rd. - 4th. - May 26th. 2014.
June 4th. 2018. 

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