Thursday, 24 April 2014

Love In A Time of Austerity.

I have dancers feet,
Small and crippled.
How do you expect me to come running
When you call?

The creditors boarding up your window
Do not concern me,
A little self help could get you out of this crises
If you just sat down and thought.

Yes I do love you,
And I have been remarkably faithful
For almost a decade,
But for the life of me, I do not know why.

A quota of give and take should be part of the bargain
In any stable relationship;
The flow of interest in just one direction
Is an issue that can be addressed.

Your shredded pockets must now be repaired
And the keyring put back on your belt,
Then I just might turn the light on in the hallway
When you next come to knock at my door.

I am not now angry with you
For trying to make use of my loyalty
Because you believed that I would always be here:

But a little self help on your part
Could certainly solve a few problems,
And perhaps reinstate our good fortune.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
April 24th. 2014.

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