Friday, 11 October 2013

Two Poems for Children. (1) The Wodwo. (2) For voice and Percussion.


     The Wodwo.

I am the Wodwo.
I am neither a tree nor a man,
Sand nor water.
I am neither spirit nor corporeal,
Earth nor air.
Wild as the Wilderness
I predate archeology.

I am the Wodwo,
Entirely my true self,
Nothing more
And nothing less.
I am certainly not a vortex,
Nor a vacuum,
I am really truly here.

I am the Wodwo.
I whisper through the bare boughs
And always at midnight
When the moon is full.
I learn all your secrets
But I can never speak them.
Sometimes I drop dead leaves
To spoil your dreams.

I am the Wodwo,
Watch out for me,
It may be entirely possible
That I am not a stranger,
Nor a shadow in your mind.
I may be the authentic You.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
October 13th. 2013.


For Voice and Percussion.

Who stole the silences?

Who stole the silences?
Who stole
             the Wodwo`s soul
From the moorlands
And the woodlands
In a sack
Upon bent back
Running running
             footsteps cunning
Fences leaping
Footpaths thrumming
Through the sleeping village creeping
Into shuttered bedrooms peeping
Overriding our deep dreaming
Balancing on thumbs and kettledrums
Balancing      hovering
Swaying        fluttering
Zooming        fumbling
Cringing in fear
             in a statuette`s ear
Out of the countryside retreating
Into the godless city creeping
Down the dingy back streets sneaking
Through the midnight shadows fleeting
Dark ways walking
Byways stalking
Half forgotten churchyards haunting?

Listen hard
              and you will hear
Phantom footsteps
              softly echoing

Diminishing out of our time.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 19th. 1964. - October 11th. 2013.

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