Thursday, 17 October 2013

(1) October Foundlings. (2) Herne Bay Outing.- A sketch. (Revised)


         October Foundlings.

You have come back to me too late,
Returning like a sparrow with one good wing;
Head down against the north east wind
To reach a half remembered homeland.
I cannot now distinguish right from wrong,
Or fathom how to solve intractable problems,
Those that we create to harm ourselves.
Perhaps we should simply rest and wait,
Wait for time to heal all aching wounds
With a kind hand, or the undeniable force
Of an unredeemed necessity.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
14th. October 2013.


Herne Bay Outing. - A sketch.

Old people staring out to sea,
Companions with an opaque history
Hand in hand;
Cheep mobiles stashed in pockets;
Tissues up their sleeves;
Complexions smooth like uncooked pastry.

They criticise the young`uns on the beach
That pursue a truculent hound dog into the briny;
Or storm across half rotted wooden Breakers
Like a petulant free range army.
The littlest holler and scream at the crashing waves,
Whilst outflanking an ambush by cantankerous Seagulls
As though the flocks were rife with Bubonic Plague.

These are the holiday outings
that I always seem to remember:

October days colder than December:

Salt adding lustre to Shortbread;

Sand drifting into the tea.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
3rd. -  7th. -17th. October 2013.
November 18th. 2014.

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