Monday, 19 August 2013

The Rose

The Rose of all our hopes
Lies deep in Southwark mud
A hostage
A smothered dream
              But not forsaken

I lift it from the mud
Just like a broken keepsake
And offer it to you
A gift of love
A token

Please take it from my hand
And plant it in your Heart
Your living garden

There is life locked in these roots
This gnarled and broken stem
Old life we still can honour
Care for

So please accept this gift
This sacred bond that links
Historic generations -
The Britons with the Greeks -
The Renaissance with the Modern

Please take it from my hand
To nurture in your Heart
That it may prosper

Grow tall
And once more blossom

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
19th. - 31st. August 2013.
For my friends at The Rose Theatre, Bankside.

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