Saturday, 31 August 2013

(1) August 30th. 2013.(2) Late May Morning.(3) Farewell. (4). Repost.


    August 30th. 2013.

Today all Ireland is weeping
But, as usual,
               No one is listening.

Goodnight sweet Prince,
True memory cannot invoke you,
Silence now claims it`s due.

Your poems are rough hewn
Slowly remade by the weather.

We must not, for any reason, be afraid.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
August 31st. 2013.
Last line added September 4th. 2013.


Late May Morning.

Translucent leaves
Green glass on black boughs
Absorbing the sun
Exposing the bones of the world

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 31st. 2013.



Ending quietly
A small leaf dropped
On a moonlit pond
Causing no ripples

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 11th. 2013. 



My ex wife snarled
as I cleared the household rubbish.
But she never danced a single night
with Karsavina,
And she could not dig up cabbages.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 3rd. 2013. 

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