Thursday, 6 June 2013

(1) Poet in Suburban Extremis. (2) Early Morning Walk.


Poet in Suburban Extremis. 

The jagged wound is healed,
The raw skin sealed,
And in a poem
I myself revealed.

There was no poetry in our so called love.
You wanted a house, a car, a radio, a fridge;
Someone to dig the garden, pay the mortgage,
Keep your body clear of that irksome itch
As you lay supine in the bath, pretending to be rich.

But life just aint like that my lie low babe,
When it cometh to terse reality, you never made the grade;
You brandished self respect like a junkie`s razor blade.

love hurts,
We all know this must be true,
But the stark intensity of love
Never cut through to you.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 15th. 2012. - April 3rd. 2013.



       Early Morning Walk.

This morning I watched the sunrise
A pearl in an indigo sky
A blank of silent water
Denuded of ships

A solitary bird sang in the hedgerow
Pining for a long lost mate
Another lonely traveller

Hands stuffed in woollen gloves
I walked towards the cash point
That emblem of insecurities
More feared than a broken phone

I looked up at the new found pearl
And wondered how soon it would burn
A large hole in my pocket

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
June 4th. 2013.
The pearl often represents purity in medieval poetry. 

See Blog Page for July 3rd. 2015 for rewrite of this poem.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.