Thursday, 27 June 2013

(1) Girls at a Salford bus Stop.revised version (2) The Eternal Round-a-bout. (3) Love Is Not What We Do.


Girls at a Salford Bus Stop.(Revised Version).

Where on Earth have they gone to
Those teenagers waiting in line
for the Saturday morning trolley?
Waiting dumb struck, quiet as dead

mice.  There they were, close by the
factory gate,  Sitting in line high up on
the red brick wall  Like a row of broken
bottles,  Waiting for the Artist to sketch

them,  Or a schoolboy to throw a stone.
Where on Earth have they gone to
Now that the painting is done,  Framed
and on public display, as their white knees

were  That long ago Saturday morning
Before the boyfriends came to call
And the infants kicked up a fuss?  Perhaps
they have been put out to grass,  Like so

many of their generation,  Now that their
era has passed.  Or perhaps they have simply de-
camped  To the elegant charms of Southport,
Where they now wait in line for tea.  Or maybe

like the cat eyed Artist,  Who stood with his note -
book and pen,  Observing their every movement,
Have long since chucked out their glad rags
And dropped off their clogs         in the dust.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 30th. - July 1st. - 7th. 2013.
Recalling some quirky paintings by Lowry. 



The Eternal Round-a-bout.

Love drops in like a Sky Diver
First there were no roses
Now there are a million
All things changed in an instant
Just like you and me Babe
First we were
Then we were not
And now here we go again

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
26th. June 2013. 


Love Is Not What We Do.

Love is not what we do
It is what we are;
Let me explain
Before we melt away
Into wind and rain
to become what we were
Before what we are
And so go round again,
Love is not what we do
It is what we are.

I should`nt repeat myself
Or I might be packed up on the
shelf                              but
To remind you while I remain,
Love is not what we do
It is what we are;
Now let me explain
Before we melt away
And vanish down the drain,
Love is everything
That we live and do
and is good and true
About me and you,
And so, to go round again,
It is all that we are and do,
Not what we were.

So far                       So good,
                  All this seems true,
but when there is no more love
What can we do?
It will mean goodbye to me
And also goodbye to you;
So let me explain
Before we melt away
Into wind and rain
And do not come back again
As me and you,
Or indeed as what we were,
Love is not what we do
It is what we are,

So good                    So far

tra la.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
3rd. - 7th. March 2013.

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