Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Wisdom of the Shell Borne Goddess.


We just hate this cold October rain
It washes out all aspiration from us
And nullifies the brain.
We much prefer the salt tang of the ocean,
A Devonian sand bar, a quiet Aegean beach,
A stunning view.
We sit up close together, watching the ebb and flow,
The heartbeat of the moon dragged water world,
That ex Paleozoic kingdom,
From which amphibious creatures slowly crept
To colonise the pristine, sun baked shoreline,
That time,
before the gods were born & seas grew cold,
                 When life itself was new.


Last night you broke all the regulations,
Diving, for all the world, like a naked white fish
Into the stormy rock pool of my bed,
Where I lay, almost sleeping.
We fought like shark and hunter, but lacking malice,
I let you win the fight.
                                 But in truth, I had to lose it,
An immaculate inspiration boosted your meanest arm lock,
The treacherous wisdom of the sea born goddess
Deifying our love lorn spite with a sly benediction
As she wafted up from her beach.
                                  Peace soon prevailed.
The moon, an on - off - on - off search light, flickered out of reach.
We curled up tight, a pair of soft sea creatures in a single shell
Caught in the quiet swell of our gentle breathing.


Reborn every moment, ancient Aphrodite,
Is your schedule too frenetic to protect our love?
Required, from your box of goodies, (reject all mud cures),
One olive branch, one turquoise sea, one dove.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
October 8th. - 10th. 2012. 


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