Wednesday, 31 October 2012

My American Sweetheart in the Movies..(Revised Version)

& now that you are everywhere but here
I sit and moody about you night and day
When I should really be well out of the house
Working, going to the Mall, seeing friends;
Buying that new TV,
                 promised but never purchased;
Pruning the roses.
One programme seems to dominate the rest,
A look back in time grooved on permanent replay,
Never letting up,
                          Never letting go,
Always on show at the personal Multiplex,
The at home flea pit,
                          The screen that never dies.
& just the one visual treat recovered out of that backlog
of mesmeric in house movies; petrified DVD dreams
In the Odeon of my mind,
                           Your smile the last time that I saw you
As you pulled down the Bedroom Blind.

Yes,          & here you will always be discovered,
                            forever lovely,      forever cool,
Sitting so carefully upright on the polished floor,
Legs stretched out in front of you, ankles crossed,
Hands dropped into your lap, sort of Buddha like;
As though you just lived to meditate, or quietly to
sit, An observer of mischievous life.
                         Spell bound               I listen to you
Like a Fan at a private recital, a compliant devotee,
Your elegant New England accent sings in the room
Lark like,
        Much sweeter than my blunt North London prose.

And then at night, in the privacy of true compassion,
The only lover who has ever completely known me,
Making me laugh and cry in a single ecstatic moment;
Your long and elegant fingers

    Laid resting over my heart.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 31st. 2012. - February 18th. 2013  
Written for a very special person.  

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