Sunday, 22 July 2012



Beauty stuns my eyes,
I stare at the scorched horizon.


Retreating out of the dawn world
The old Owl soars
Rising like the Phoenix
Ascending swiftly towards her pyre.

Feathers the colour of embers
Blackened by desolate rain;
His eyes, earth swallowed fires,
Scorn the light of redemption.

In the anguish of a resurrection,
Sought but barely conceived,
He darts deeply into the sunlight
That dazzles, torments, then stuns him.

Retreating into the dark cave
He embraces the ashes of sleep.


The morning light enthralls me.
Midsummer fires challenge the stars.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
9th April 1974. - 25th. June 2012.

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