Wednesday, 18 July 2012

An Introduction to this blog...

I was educated by artists and actors, trained in ballet and music. I have written poetry since age 13, but have rarely published. it can take a lifetime for a poem to evolve into something near a fully developed work of art. A painting can take five years to complete. Ideas evolve out of ideas, questions out of questions, until some sort of equilibrium, precarious balance is achieved, and there we have the finished work of art, which often provokes further questions. I have no sense of stability, of permanence, probably because i was born in London during the 2nd. World War. Destroyed buildings, sooty and weed covered, marked the city-scape that I grew up with, and the memory of the stark and ruined streets remains like scar tissue distorting my intellectual horizons.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.