The instant I stepped onto the stage
I seemed to enter transparent realities
I have not been conscious of since a child.
Then my mind was new and clear and
mirror like,
Reflecting all things;
Becoming all things.
At first I had thought to burlesque my
But found I could not do it,
In fact, the instant I stepped onto that
darkened stage,
I became the anguish deep in Hamlet`s
And his strong baritone began to cloud
my tenor
In a way that was so true it was not art.
Although my eyes were fixed upon the
Because I had not yet mastered my part
I did not recognise the voice that spoke.
It seemed to sound in a far away dimension
That I was separate from, but also linked to,
Somewhere I did not dream but was not now.
I had entered a space adrift in many worlds,
And yet my feet stood firm upon the stage.
But the moment the scene ended I was back
in my daily life,
An out of touch old actor exiled to the
Trevor John Karsavin Potter,