Thursday, 22 August 2024

Night Creates Strange Visions. (A Poem and 2 pictures). Revised.

After dark I am dreaming, even when awake.
Shadows merge with memories
To guide me into a labyrinth of distorted time and space.
I pass through the Looking Glass of my past and present
To glimpse shards of the future, that may be true or false,
Whatever the facts are, they dazzle for a moment,
And then are gone, just like switching off and on the light,
Something I do without a moments thought.
Is it too late to change the trajectory of my life?
Are my dreams just a pack of Tarot Cards
Falling from the hands of a magician
Playing god for all the world to see?
The beauty of moonlight invalidates my thinking.
I close my eyes and enter a darkness of mirrors.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 23rd. August 2024.

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